Open Hearts
Open Minds
Open Doors

This Week's Sermon features Rev. Dan Hurlbert with:

"Great Hymns: Old Rugged Cross"

The monthly Preview magazine available

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Welcome to PUMC

We are an active and diverse body united through Christ, where we joyously contribute our God-given talents, study scripture and grow in understanding, deepen our personal relationships with Christ and one another, and live our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Join Us in Worship

Casual Worship Service | Saturday | 5pm
Sunday Traditional Worship Services | Sunday | 9am and 10:30am
Sunday School for all ages | Sunday | 10:30am

Online Worship Saturday 5pm, Sunday | 9am and 10:30am
on or on youtube video
Prayer Time | Monday and Wednesday | 2pm


Prescott United Methodist Church, 505 W Gurley Street, Prescott, Arizona 86301
Church Office Hours:   Monday thru Thursday | 9am-4pm | Closed Fridays

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