Help us love and care for our neighbors. Jesus taught us:
How we Feed the Hungry includes the Granite Creek Hunger Potluck and Community Cupboard.
LEARN MOREWe help children and family with children through the Little Tree House and our work with Lincoln Elementary School.
LEARN MOREHow we help the impoverished includes CCJ and Granite Creek Hunger Potluck.
LEARN MOREHow we Console the lonely and distressed includes Stephen Ministers.
LEARN MOREHow we Help the Homeless includes CCJ, Stepping Stones, Prescott Area Shelter Services, and Gospel Rescue Mission.
LEARN MOREHow we Heal the addicted includes many 12-step groups that meet at PUMC.
LEARN MOREMen, You’re Invited!! Any interested man is invited to visit the Men’s Bible Study. Meetings are held in the Upper Room/308 at 9 AM each Tuesday.
Youth are always excited to venture out into the world and serve God. Prescott United Methodist Youth put their faith into action each summer on a week-long mission trip. Contact Pastor Kevin Lester for opportunities at the church office, 928-778-1950, or his cell: (928) 235-2083.
Held at various times throughout the week. Check the calendar for times and places and contact the leaders about levels of instruction. If you would like to attend, call the church office (928-778-1950) to sign up.
This year we are looking at the study Home for Christmas by Justin Coleman. Discover the light of Christmas in a world of hardship and hope.
Even during hard times, the light of Christmas shines brightly. Home for Christmas shares the real-life stories of formerly incarcerated men and women as they find work and opportunity through Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles, California. As we hear about their struggles, we recognize the Advent themes of hope, love, and peace in their lives. Books are available in our office.
In order to properly administer a church, members serve on committees and are usually nominated to those committees by a Nomination Committee. Pastors are the church spiritual leaders and attend meetings but are not officially members of those committees.
Every United Methodist Church must have specific committees, but there are others that are optional but usually present in the committee structure.
Nominations and Leadership — Chaired by the lead pastor, this committee identifies, develops, deploys, evaluated, and monitors members to chair and lead the congregational ministries.
Church Council — Chaired by an individual selected at each annual charge conference, this committee is comprised of committee chairs and leaders and is the administrative agency that envisions, plans, implements and annually evaluates the congregational ministry.
Staff-Parish Relations (SPRC) — This committee supports the pastors and staff, recommends staff with the approval of the lead pastor, recommends compensation and other financial matters (with approval of Finance Committee) to the Church Council, maintains staff policies. Click here to see actions being done thru the PUMC Committee. The Chair is the primary connection with the District Superintendent and Bishop related to appointed leadership for the congregation.
Finance — This committee proposes a budget, then raises, manages, and distributes the financial resources of the congregation.
Trustees — Subject to the direction of the charge conference, trustees have oversight and care of all local church property, buildings, and equipment in order to accomplish the mission of the church. This is done in consultation with the pastor.
Church & Society — Expand the congregation’s awareness of issues related to peace with justice, environmental survival, and human welfare, especially connecting these with Jesus’ example in Gospel stories.
Education — Oversee learning and teaching experiences for the congregation so that people of all ages grow in their understanding of the gospel and become better equipped for daily living as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.
Worship — Lead the congregation in providing opportunities for worship celebrations that focus on God, help people of all ages grow in their understanding of the Gospel, and become better equipped for daily living as faithful disciples.
Evangelism — Lead the congregation in reaching out to people with the good news of Jesus Christ and receive people into the congregation so they might develop a relationship with God in Christian community and grow as Christian disciples.
Missions — The function of the Missions Committee is to research and recommend local, regional, national and international charities which effectively and compassionately meet the needs of those they serve. Upon approval by Church Council, a charity is selected each month to receive a special offering from the congregation. The committee also plans and organizes the Alternative Christmas in which additional charities are chosen. Those attending a special evening of food and fun are given the opportunity to give financially to enrich the Christmas of others.
Stephen Ministers are Church members reaching out in agape love and support to those in crisis. Stephen Ministry equips lay people to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to individuals in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. Stephen Ministry is helping people walk through a difficult time in their lives and showing them Christian care. Stephen Ministry is a free and confidential service.
To receive care from a Stephen Minister, contact Rev. Patti Blackwood at 928-778-1950
Stephen Ministers receive 50 hours of initial training prior to providing care to others. Stephen Ministers do not replace the clergy, they work to provide the long-term one-on-one care that clergy is unable to provide alone. If you feel a Stephen Minister would be helpful to you, please contact one of our pastors. Even the strongest person may need someone to just listen.
For more information about Stephen Ministry, go to
Our next training class will begin Monday, January 9. We will meet in Douglas Hall from 6:00pm to 8:30pm every Monday from January 9 through May 22. We are looking for men and women who want to “walk” with another through a difficult time in that person’s life. There is no educational requirement, and it does not matter what your work field is or may have been. Age is not a factor; we have trained people from high school age to well after social security kicked in. To pick up an application to become a Stephen Minister, see someone at the table in front of the church through October, stop in the office, or call Rev. Patti Blackwood at 928-778-1950.
We would love to have you join us. The special training we will give you will prepare you to help other people. It will also help you in your own life. Here are some examples of the classes you will take:
As you can see we will prepare you extensively for your job as a Stephen Minister. To pick up an application see someone at the table in front of the church on Saturday or Sunday, stop by the office or call Rev. Patti Blackwood at 928-778-1950.
There are still more committees that are part of our church. Contact the church office for more information on getting involved with them! We have something for everyone!